Our Services

Services Available

Health Fund Approved – Rebates Paid

This provider is approved for Heath Rebates. Naturopathic consultations are claimable, however this will depend on your particular medical cover as every insurance cover is different. Simply retain your receipt and submit it to your health cover group in order to claim. Medicines are generally not claimable from health funds, however they may be submitted with your tax return. If you do not have private health cover it is still possible to claim a 20% tax rebate.

Health rebates for Naturopathy are offered by: AHM, ARHG, Australian Unity, BUPA, CBHS, Grand United, HBF (part of ARHG), HCF (incl. Manchester Unity), Medibank Private, NIB. Please check that yours does cover Naturopathy services. (Accurate as of April 2018)

Proudly a member of the Complementary Medicine Association. At Evolve Within we pride ourselves on providing you with the best care. All your medication, supplements and nutrients will be checked for interactions prior to any natural herbal medicine prescriptions. We work around you, your lifestyle and personal circumstances to help you feel better.

Naturopathic Consultations

Consultations can be conducted in person or via phone or Skype.

Initial Consultation

Anne Mouland Naturopath Manly
Consultation Room at Manly NSW
First time only. Assesses in detail your current presenting conditions and symptoms. This incorporates an assessment of the body systems such as digestion, sleep patterns, physical and mental wellbeing. Any imbalance can be picked up first by assessing tissue that has the fastest turnover such as skin, nails and tongue. A basic iridology assessment can give an indication to any potential disorders or familiar conditions as indicated by certain characteristics of the eye.

What you need to bring:

  • Any blood test results
  • Information about current medicines taken (name of brand, dose, how many and how often you take them, including the time of the day). This can be a photo of the product both front and back
  • Any medical or diagnostic notes from your doctor
  • Diet diary for the past 3-7+ days. Also note down fluid intake

Duration: around 1 – 2 hour depending on the client’s conditions

Cost: starts at $120 (Health rebates are available; however please check with your health fund for cover). Extra may be needed to cover for herbal remedy, supplements, flower essence, or other products or services.

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Follow-up Consultation

This reassess the progress of the treatment plan. Discussing any barriers or difficulties incurred during that time and looks at further management and treatment plans. Once an initial consultation has been conducted all future consults with be a follow up, even if this is a new condition and treatment plan.

Duration: around 40 – 60 minutes depending on the client’s conditions

Cost: starts at $75 (Health rebates are available; however please check with your health fund for cover). Extra may be needed to cover for herbal remedy, supplements, flower essence, or other products or services.

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Nutritional Assessment

A full assessment of diet diary including macro and micronutrients, hydration and a dietary plan personally designed around your condition, dietary preference or training regime. Providing the client with a list of food sources and/or if needed supplement list to be considered if the diet is lacking.

Cost: $50 when not as part of a Naturopathic consultation as submitted as a stand alone assessment. Nutrition diaries can be submitted online.

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Theta Healing

Theta healing is a powerful technique that identifies limiting belief systems and unblocks these to reprogram the unconscious mind. Theta healing will empower your way of living and re-create your life exactly as you choose.

Have various areas of your life (health, career, spiritual, relationships, finances, creative abilities) been compromised? These are often determined by your unconscious beliefs. The unconscious mind creates your behaviour patterns and this in turn creates your reality in every area of your life.

Thought creates subconscious beliefs. These create our reality. Despite conscious effort to the contrary via positive affirmation, these beliefs underpin our relationships, health, wealth, career and happiness.

We all desire a life of happiness and fulfilment. Imagine reaching a state of true harmony, peace and success in any aspect of your life. Theta Healing sessions can help you achieve this.

Cost: available upon request

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Flower Essences

Upon completing a questionnaire a specific flower essence will be made up for you.

Cost: When not as part of a Naturopathic consultation as submitted as a stand alone assessment. Please note this varies based on size and location/postage requirement.

  • 15ml is $15 plus postage
  • 25ml is $20 plus postage ($15 when part of a naturopathic consultation and picked up in person)
  • 50ml is $35 plus postage ($30 when part of a naturopathic consultation and picked up in person)

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Iridology Assessment

This is a detail 25 page report of your eye and you will also get a colour photo print out of your eye. It will identify any major weakness, deficiencies, and list recommendations for you. This is not as part of a Naturopathic consultation and submitted as a stand alone assessment.

Cost: $90 in person (Extra $15 if posted)

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Fitness – Personal Training and Group Fitness

A tailor-made program for you to lose weight, gain weight, increase muscle mass or tone up. A training regime can be tailored specifically for any condition or around any illness.


  • Single program $80 (extra $40 for nutritional assessment)
  • 8 weeks jump start program ($640 plus an extra $30 for nutritional assessment)
  • 12 week Blitz program ($950 includes nutritional assessment)

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Health Related Issues and Functional Testing

  • Hormone testing
  • Digestive Function testing
  • Genetic diagnostic
  • Amino acid testing
  • Pyrroles testing
  • MTHFR gene testing
  • Hair Mineral analysis
  • Thyroid function
  • Full Blood assessment
  • Cholesterol/liver function
  • Neurotransmitter profile
  • Kidney function
  • Faecal PCR testing
  • Allergy testing

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